Chore Day, Bore Day


Not a lot of excitement today! It was mostly a chore day. The bathroom got cleaned, the king sheets, bath towels, and kitchen linens laundered. I also mopped and vacuumed the upstairs as well as the stairs leading up.  Not much fun.

Dinner was a delicious repeat from last week. Biscuits and sausage gravy with an orange on the side.  Of course, the biscuits were fresh and homemade. My goal was not to do any major grocery shopping for the week. 

One thing I did get to, was hanging the brass estate sale sconce I bought a little over a week ago. I will probably end up putting battery candles in it for safety reasons. However, I needed to fill that space on the wall and this piece does that and can also provide some ambient light.

I did also have to pack a bag for a short trip to stay with Tommy's sister who is retiring at the end of the month. They are throwing a party for her at work, and we were invited.  She's earned her chance to take it easy, but it's also a good time for her to go. Her job is linked to an agency the current administration is trying to destroy. Not having to deal with that will be better for her in the long run.  And I can say that she is highly educated, experienced, and hard working. She has worked from home while I have been there. I've overheard non-stop meetings, planning, and days full of serious work.  People like her are looking out for all of us and putting their hearts and souls into it. I am happy it's time for her to retire.

Frankie is totally unaware that she is in for a couple of fun days. But she knows something is up because whenever I pack a bag, she goes somewhere. I hope to have good stuff to share when I get back!


  1. It’s nice you can go to her retirement party.

    1. She has done so much good work during her career, and she is a great sister-in-law too -- so we wouldn't miss it!

  2. I read your post at 6am this morning and it shamed me into cleaning the lounge, I'm not as dedicated a housekeeper as you are! Those sconces look great and a great idea to get some of those battery operated candles. I bet they'd look lovely draped with fairy lights, too.
    That's really sad about Tommy's sister's job. I'm glad she's marking the occasion with a party, I'm looking forward to seeing what you wear! xxx

  3. Pretty sconce. I will at some point have to try and make biscuits and gravy. I think that would make a great meal for very little cost.

    God bless.

    1. When you decide to try biscuits, be sure to use buttermilk. It makes for the best dough! It saves a lot of effort to use self-rising dough too. And I always substitute lard in for half of the butter. I had been wanting a sconce for such a long time and was so happy to find one!

  4. Hope your sister-in-law has a wonderful retirement, and that you have a good trip to be there. The biscuits and gravy photo made my mouth water!

    1. It is a four to five hour drive, so we don't go out there often. Once Tommy is retired, we will see family more often.

  5. I feel like changing the king sheets is an actual workout lol. Thanks for visiting my blog. I have a full house for another month so am a bit slack on getting around to visit. I would love a dinner of biscuits and gravy!


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