Doing Nothing is Impossible


I had really planned on doing a lot of nothing today.  My main goal was to make chicken parm for dinner, which I did (served with a glass of sauvignon blanc).  But I ended up busy anyway!

Chopping veggies is always the first step in making marinara.  Once I started, I realized I needed to make stock from the scraps.  The fresh sleeve of celery had leaves and a root end to come off. I also had extra carrots from last week.  Starting stock was sensible since I want to make chili this week.  The sealed bag of chicken also had juice which would provide flavor (along with a few chunks of chicken that were too small to bread.  When it was all said and done, the effort yielded one large and 2/3 of a small jar of stock.  All sodium-free.

Since dog's can't have onions, as per usual I started boiling veggies first.  I also included garlic peels and ends. This meant processing a whole head, and the cloves went into the fridge drenched in EVOO.  Once the veggies had boiled enough, I pureed them and added some of the stock.  Then I mixed in oats and green beans left from last week.  Now I have over a week's worth of lunches for Frankie.

There was a small amount of chicken, sauce, and squash left over from Friday. I could not serve it to Tommy as it's got Thousand Island dressing as a base -- which he detests.  Instead, I decided to hide it in a batch of veggie lasagna filling.  We had veggie lasagna two weeks ago. I made a big batch of filling and froze half.  This was baked today because Tommy likes lasagna to set for at least a day before we eat it.  Chicken and veggie lasagna will be on the menu tomorrow.  I don't think he'll taste the Thousand Island... and I won't tell him if you don't!

And no egotistical pictures of what I wore today (per yesterday's comments), because I never left the house and spent half of the day in my jammies! I am looking forward to a thrift adventure tomorrow and some good outside time with Frankie.  I haven't thought about what I am going to wear yet...


  1. I’m going to the thrift store tomorrow too. I’m looking forward to it. Chicken Parmesan sounds delicious and looks fantastic! I love how you put your garlic in olive oil in the fridge. I’m going to do that too.

    1. I hope we have thrifting success tomorrow! Once the garlic is used, you then have flavored oil to use!


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