Yesterday and Today
Yesterday got away from me, so I am posting today about yesterday and today. I managed to get the glass block I thrifted on Thursday cleaned up. There was something really sticky around the rim on the outside. My guess is this had held a floral arrangement. This is my husband's bedside. I have a box with holes cut for hoses and power cords, hiding his cpap machine. His nightstand is chock-full, but with all things he uses. This glass block actually takes up less space than a box of tissues, and it looks a lot nicer.
This room has a lot of DIY and and thrift. The bed is covered with a sheet to protect the bedspread. That way I can wash dog hair off of it each week. The curtains behind the bed are a combination of clearance fabric (center), and thrifted sheets. Hanging anything big on that wall is tough because it's not solidly constructed. The house was a stop on the underground railroad, so they put up this shell of a wall to hide the area which was accessible through the closet. We haven't taken it down because we know it is full of spray insulation. Our problem is there are no substantial studs to hammer nails into in order to hang a picture. So I sewed the drapes.
Flashfood had a great deal on chicken and a beef/veal/pork meatloaf mix. While I participated in the retail black-out on Friday, I felt fine shopping at Tops. Tops is a regional Buffalo-based business that not only practices DEI, but it has also stood against racism and hate. It was the only grocery chain to open a store in a food desert. The black neighborhood had no supermarket. Now the area is better developed. A few years back, a racist boy with a gun went to the Jefferson Avenue Tops to specifically murder African Americans. The store came back and stayed in the community, honoring those who lost their lives that day. For this reason, I felt it would be wrong to boycott them. While I worked for the company and didn't particularly like being an employee, I support all they have done with DEI.
Making dog food really is simple. I dumped two bags of frozen mixed veggies in the crock, cut up two mealy apples, poured in 2 cups of water, put in the boneless skinless chicken thighs, and let it go. Once it was all cooked, the chicken practically shredded itself. I use the water for cooking but then soak it up with oatmeal. I also added two and half teaspoons of calcium powder. Cheap and easy!
I like to bake my meatballs. Once they are baked, I let them cool. The grease was used later to sauté the veggie base of my marinara. These came out of the oven by 1PM and then had a couple of hours to cool. I made the sauce around 6PM and once that was bubbling, I dropped in six or seven meatballs. This tray was 22 ounces, and the FF price was $4.24.
We ended up with a nice dinner, and plenty left to have it again tonight. And once again, I had a hankering for meatballs and spaghetti because Stanley Tucci had written about it. Our Sunday night dinner will be chili, using the remaining six meatballs that didn't get dumped into the sauce. The pasta was a buck, and the sauce cost maybe three dollars to make too. So getting four plates out of that, plus a pot of chili is frugal. The chili will probably cost out to be six or seven bucks -- and will yield at least six meals.
This is the makings of six pints of ice cream. One will be cherry vanilla, to be given to my friend who fell and hit her noggin and is nursing a seriously black and blue face. The other will be peach, with brown sugar and a splash of bourbon for us. I am always looking for near-expiration half and half or heavy cream to make ice-cream base with. Since it will be frozen, there is no worry it will spoil.
I dropped off a small bag of clothes to the Amvets store and decided to pop in. With only $7 left in my wallet, I knew I would have to find good deals. It was 50% off yellow tickets, and 25% off red. My money was well spent on a seven-piece glass dessert set. We had a set of glass salad plates when we were first married, and I donated them. Then I wished I hadn't. They had a leaf design which I liked a lot but hadn't found what I wanted at a good price second hand. Finding this lily set fit the bill and since it was half off, I had to grab it. The Eddie Bauer infinity scarf was new with tags. I have been looking for light blue summer pieces, so this find was great for me. And it has a little zipper pocket in it too!
I did make a naughty FF junk food purchase today. This is stuff we never keep in the house, but I decided to splurge. My haul was six bucks, and it will take us a couple of weeks to go through it. It's actually embarrassing how much I love cheese curls...
Did you do a no-buy blackout on Friday?
The glass block is pretty on the nightstand. I can see using that here too as it could be used to corral certain items. We went thrifting on Saturday and one of the items I picked up was a Ball quart sized canning jar. I like to keep them on hand and thrifting them is cheaper than buying new and often older jars are better quality than newer manufactured jars.
ReplyDeleteUsing a sheet to cover the bed to avoid the dog hair is a great idea! Im going to do that here, but it will be cat fur instead.
We did the boycott on Friday too. I think supporting Tops was a good call on your part. It’s great that they support their community and stand against racism and hate.
You did well saving money with your meatballs. I bake mine in the oven too as they come out evenly browned all over, which I prefer.
It's a lot less messy to put the meatballs in the oven too! I do like finding cheap canning jars too. The older, the better! I started using the sheet to protect the bed years back when the topical flea meds I used on my last dog got on the bedspread. I still can't get that oil stain out. A sheet is good protection.
DeleteMy MIL always baked her meatballs, and I did as well. At least until the silly oven decided to not work any longer. I love the curtains behind the bed. Gorgeous.
ReplyDeleteGod bless.